Animek's Models
Very small scale models, made of balsa and pine wood.
Monday, July 17, 2006
L.E.M Stage 1b - Octagonal part of the landing section
Using a Gillette blade broken in half, all 8 sections are cut following dimensions.
Then using a nail file, minor defects are sanded off.
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Stage 1c
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Stage 1a
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Tiny Astronaut figure - Step 6 (Conclusion)
Tiny Astronaut figure - Step 5
Tiny Astronaut figure - Step 4
Tiny Astronaut figure - Step Final
Tiny Astronaut figure - Step 3
Tiny Astronaut Figure - Step 2
Tiny Astronaut Figure - Step 1
Tiny Astronaut Figure - Step 00
L.E.M Stage 1g - Final details
L.E.M Stage 1f - Trust nozzles
L.E.M Stage 1e - Landing legs (Continuation)
L.E.M Stage 1e - Landing legs
L.E.M Stage 1d - Landing section
L.E.M Stage 1c - Front fuselage
L.E.M Stage 1b - Octagonal part of the landing sec...
L.E.M Stage 1a - The fist steps of building the Lem
L.E.M Stage 00 - Details on how to build a 1:220 s...
Some interesting links
My web site (Animek's Models)
starshipmodeler (The name says it all)
Johnno's Corner, A friend Blog (with great! Very small models)
SolidModelMemories (Is a group about scratchbuilt solid wooden airplane)